Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

i wanted to take a moment and wish all those special ladies out there a happy mother's day. my mom has always been there for me and from the day i first received that tough bit of news about the tumor she has been unflappable in her focus on the cure. with nothing but faith and determination to support her in the beginning, she was essential in carrying me through the "waiting period". the comfort that my mother has brought to jen and i during these past few months is nothing short of God's grace and i thought i'd share with all of you a quote she sent to me this morning -

"The thing is to rely only on God. The time will come when you will regard all this misery as a small price to pray for having been brought to that dependence. Meanwhile the trouble is that relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing has yet been done."
- C.S. Lewis

for the record, the woman is so selfless she sends me a thank you card every mother's day. seriously mom, i love you infinity but take a load off - it's your day.

i also want to thank another mother who has been a wonderful addition to my life since the day i met jenny. my mother-in-law laurel and i have always shared an unconditional love for jenny and technology but during her recent visit i realized her love goes well beyond any in-law standard i could ever imagine. so once again, although this valley has been tough at times, i have felt more love and inspiration during this battle than at any other point in my life. thanks to all of you for going on this journey with me.


Ben said...

I'll second that--Barbara is the best, with all do respect to my own mother.:)

c_lans39 said...

I agree. Mrs. S is the best. I couldn't think of a better person and mother to have in your corner.

Can she manage the Yankees? They need help.

Gnawfish said...

ditto and ditto. And props to my mom,Mrs. M and Mrs. Lansley.