Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day 8

well we had another great interim checkpoint yesterday - counts are not critically low and this time the nausea was tempered nicely by medication. the only unfortunate side effect is that the anti-nausea meds leave you even more fatigued. i'll take the trade off from last cycle's first week - and knowing that we are counting down from here gets me real pumped. my mother-in-law laurel was my assistant nurse and she was wonderful - i thank her for looking after jenny while i was down for the count.

i want to take this time to thank my wonderful wife - she grows stronger every day and even though my mood ebbs and flows with each cycle, her unwavering support and general "cuteness" makes me feel like the luckiest man on the face of the earth. I never knew what love was until I began walking through this valley, and I have a sneaking suspicion that when I look back on this experience, I won't want to trade it for the world. So I ask one thing of all of you: find your "jenny" (whoever he or she may be) and hug him or her like you are never letting go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's like when you run the Troy Turkey Trot 10k, the minute you make the turn at the half way point
you know the race is in hand. The fourth and fifth mile hurt some but City Hall gets closer and closer.