Saturday, March 31, 2007

Moving Right Along

as day 10 comes to a close, i'm walking miles, not blocks anymore. feeling quite alert and energetic. i'm inspired to tell people that i feel as well as i did before i started the treatment. the doctor said it's nice that i figured out that you don't have to feel like crap for the treatment to work. i've got my bike set up inside and tomorrow i plan on spinning for a while. i've been eating like a horse and most of the strange cravings have subsided - have to save them for the beginning of cycle 2. i also wanted to say thanks to all my family and friends who are the reason i get out of bed in the morning. i'm beginning to realize that i'm doing this for you guys more than i'm doing this for myself - life's about the experiences we share, not the minutes that pass in between them.

it's the tough times when you realize why you share life with so many people - a wise man once told me "you've gotta play the hand you're dealt".


Christine said...

Hey Bry - you are an inspiration to us!! Just got back from a week in Chicago and all we could think of was you guys and how much you would enjoy it. Visited the Charley-Persky House designed by Sullivan with the help of the young Frank Lloyd Wright and also went on some Chicago Architecture Foundation tours. When you are all through with this, definitely book the first flight out!!

As for the hair loss, Uncle Paul can attest to the fact that bald is beautiful!!
Love Aunt Christine and Uncle Paul

RCA said...

Hi Bryan - I've been kept up-to-date through our mothers' connection and I am glad to hear of your positive progress and attitude. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you fight this with gusto - you're certainly an inspiration!
All the best ~ Rachel Audi

Unknown said...

If you need a pogo ball to complete your spinning experience, let me know bro. :)
I love you!
Miss Laurie

Unknown said...

Well buddy,
I've passed this on to one and all!
I feel pretty close to you right now even if I'm not sitting next to you.
As that wise 'ole Albert Einstein said: "There are two ways to live life - one as if nothing is a miracle and one as if everything is."
Love you,
Mom (aka Terry)

Unknown said...

Hey Bryan! I'm glad to hear that you're moving right along with this. If you get the craving for that Chef Boyardee "pizza-in-a-box" let me know. You actually MAY be pregnant then...

I hear the hair is still there, but if it should depart, I have some inspirational quotes for you:

I don't consider myself bald, I'm just taller than my hair. -Seneca

There's one thing about baldness, it's neat. ~ Don Herold

And my personal favorite:

When others kid me about being bald, I simply tell them that the way I figure it, the good Lord only gave men so many hormones, and if others want to waste theirs on growing hair, that's up to them. ~ John Glenn

Keep your spirits up! We're all thinking about you!


Lisa Hodgins said...

Dear Bryan, Your mother has kept me informed of your progress in the time we have to chat after Sunday School. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as you undertake this challenge. I must admit to being an old-fashioned, snail-mail type and am hoping you could give me your mailing address. I can always wait to ask your mom but I will not see her for a couple of weeks with the Easter break from SS. God Bless and keep you.
Lisa Hodgins (Audi)