hello all - yahoo!!! we are finished with chemo and looking back i'm thankful for the extra 2 cycles. my scan is august 3rd and i meet with the radiation oncologist on the 13th. i'm thankful for this time to heal up and build up my stamina. i've been back at work full time for the past few weeks and it's been great to get back in the groove. i've been biking and / or running everyday - getting outside has been great. jenny and i have been on many dates - something i missed quite a bit during certain parts of the cycle.
while the next few weeks will be an exercise in patience - i've been trying to find ways to not feel like i'm waiting for the next step. i saw a nutritionist on monday and she was wonderful. i already can visualize my body working its way back to 100%, but there's a new goal - a stronger, healthier than ever bryan. if chemo is gonna tear me down i'm going to rebuild from the inside out the right way.
my voice is pretty close to normal for the first time since mid-january and that is just amazing. the doctor told me to be patient because the nerve that controls the vocal chords takes a while to heal. it's not that i didn't believe him, it's just been a long time - what a nice reward for trusting in something i'll never understand.
hope all of you have a wonderful weekend - it's been nice to experience a day 22 for the first time in 4-1/2 months. slow and steady wins the race - the mass that was once so cleverly hiding on me never knew what hit it. now it's on to our insurance policy.

Stronger, healthier, better...
the thought of a new bionic Bryan scares me. Probably not as much as it would scare Kirk...
Congratulations, as always Bry. I hope you guys have a great weekend.
Ok Bryan, now we can focus on Boston 2009. You'll have time to get in the training and I'll drop a few pounds and get in shape. Now if we can just get DaddyO to get serious about his workouts.
good luck with the oncologist today! thinking of you.
sarah scheckter
Bryan, I just got the link to your blog and only recently learned about your illness. I am so glad that you are doing so well and am kind of at a loss for words. I cannot imagine going through something like this. Congratulations on being so strong and so committed. Send me an email sometime. sbode1@excite.com
Take care, Sara Cohen (Bode)
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