it went a little quicker than the last visit because the rituxan could be administered at a faster rate. my red and white counts were actually higher today than they were at the beginning of the last treatment - it's one of those days you feel like your body was made for this. my wonderful nurses eileen and sharon make the process as painless as possible and are a calming influence for this thinker's mind of mine. it rained the entire day today so it was alot easier to sit inside all afternoon but i still got on the bike this morning before treatment. these next few days will be slower but now i know what it feels like and the anxiety of the unknown is all but gone. jen will be sure to give you an update of any strange cravings that come along in these early days and i'll be checking back in before you know it.
two other things - i've posted a pic with this update because i got to place the first number in the "big board" jen made to track my treatment. as we move through the treatment, i place the corresponding aluminum number in its place until we finish with number 6. tomorrow is the 7th anniversary of my mom's aneurysm repair surgery. the patience she displayed to wait 4 years before having the surgery and activities she has taken on since serve as an inspiration for me during every moment of this treatment. it's also a reminder that we all have our valleys in life - it's the smiling along the way to the next peak that's important. by the way - feel free to comment on any post with movie recommendations (especially cousin tyler). i'll be watching alot of them. clever and funny are my particular criteria.
Bry: Denia and I are thrilled with your progress, and your prognosis. Prayer works, as does the strength of family and friends. But most of all, it's you. Your strength and positive attitude made it happen. Keep workin' it! Love you.
This note is a little visit from someone who thinks about you a lot!
On this day especially (7 years and counting) this is my thought:
"For all that has been thank you; for all that will be, yes".
Always remember - if God has you in the palm of his hand and your real life is secure in him, then you can venture forth... and you will be safe there.
I love you forever and like you for always,
Hi Bryan: Your mom is doing a good job keeping us all informed. Today is the first time I had a chance to look at your Blog. It is fabulous. Sounds like you have the best possible support group and know that all your extended family is supporting you too with our prayers and good thoughts.
Love and hugs,
Cousin Honey (Cookie, Betty, Elizabeth, whatever!)
Big Bry and Jen (no nickname...yet). I'm happy to give movie recommendations, what is the best way? Here? e-mail ( Netflix friends?
Also, any type you are interested or not-interested in? Epics, fast paced, brain twisters, autopilot enjoyment?
My services are at your leisure (for a nominal fee - family rate).
Keep up the good fight. Much love from the MD clan.
Hi Bryan,
Firstly, I want to say how impressed I am with your strength and motivation through this very trialing time.
Secondly, keep up the great work and god will do the rest for you. Leave it in his hands.
God bless!
Jenny (a friend of mom's)
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